Anda á milli
Wood, cotton, unspoon wool, horse’s hair
200 x 100 x 5 cm
September 2024
Site specific project Verksmidjan Hjalteyri, iceland
Wood, cotton, unspoon wool, horse’s hair
200 x 100 x 5 cm
September 2024
Site specific project Verksmidjan Hjalteyri, iceland

Exploring the former herring factory in Hjalteyri is like entering a living organism. Cement has been mixed with sea water to speed up its construction and when the temperature rises the walls perspire, releasing the smell of the sea. Everywhere there are closed doors and windows that once allowed the building to communicate with the outside and everywhere there are holes where there should not be. The factory breathes through all these elements feeding and nourishing its surroundings. All these openings are like thresholds that tell the story of the structure but also what is not strictly visible. They allow glimpses of the landscape to shine through and permeate its humidity, dryness, sunshine and pouring rain. What at first superficial glance appears to be a concrete monster in the midst of nature, melts inside the enviroment becoming part of it. What emerges from these suggestions is the idea of a portal enclosing all the openings and closures of this place. A ritualistic space that should be able to be crossed but that does not allow for a real physical crossing. At the same time, however, the gaze is free to cross this threshold and catch a blurred glimpse of what lies behind. The forms and openings of this weaving blend and mingle in turn with the walls, lights and shadows of the factory, but also with the surrounding environment, creating a visual continuity between inside and outside.